Rebecca Near, President


Darcie Kurtak, Vice President and WEBMASTER


Carolyn Tegeder, President Emeritus

303- 973-2679


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Mountainside ART GUILD
Mountainside ART GUILD

Benefits of Membership

  1. Attend meetings, make friends and enjoy the camaraderie of amateurs and professional artists.
  2. Receive our monthly newsletter with information on Guild business and other art activities in the area.
  3. Show and exhibit your art at Guild sponsored shows throughout the area, and Art Shows combined with other local art guilds.
  4. Enjoy our new facility at the newly opened Wheat Ridge Center for Music & Art, also known as Wheat Ridge United Methodist Church, 7530 W. 38th Ave. (38th & Wadsworth), Wheat Ridge, CO.
  5. Have the opportunity to become a Rotating Exhibiting Member.  Once you have completed a jurying process, you are assigned to display your art at various on-going venues.


Please see details in the MAG Brochure below.



2023 Brochure & Membership Application

MAG Brochure 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [480.0 KB]
2025 MAG Membership Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [33.7 KB]

Please download and fill out the form,

return with your check by mail to the address on the form 


you may attend a meeting,  bring a check

along with your application to join in person.


Thank you.

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© Mountainside Art Guild